Student Area

  • Q:If it is the project of graduate or doctoral student, could the student be the principal of project?

    Yes.  Since August 1 2021, the graduate and doctoral student and undergraduate student may serve as the principal investigator of keynote project and the advisor will be the co-principal investigator. 

  • Q:How should the research timeline be filled out in the review system?

    For research purposes, it is recommended that the research timeline be set at least one year (e.g., from 2023/8/1 to 2024/7/31).
    If the research is completed ahead of schedule, it can be closed in the system earlier.

  • Q:Does a student's thesis proposal need to be submitted for review?


    For master's and doctoral theses, if they involve human research, they must undergo research ethics review as required by the Human Research Act (Article 5) before they can proceed. If they do not involve human research (i.e., non-human research), submission for review is encouraged.

    Since August 2021, NTNU has implemented a system for graduate students to apply for research ethics review for their master's and doctoral theses. In this system, the students serve as principal investigator, with advisors acting as co-investigator.

    For student thesis research projects that are outsourced to NTNU for review, the advising professor serves as the principal investigator, and the student as co-investigator.

    Human Research: Research that involves obtaining, investigating, analyzing, or using information related to the biological behavior, physiology, psychology, genetics, medicine, etc., of human subjects or individuals. (Human Research Act, Article 4)

    Human Subject Research: Research conducted with individuals or groups as research participants, involving systematic investigations or knowledge exploration activities related to the individual or group, through methods such as observation, intervention, interaction, or using personally identifiable information with the consent of the individual.