Review Fee Standards and Payment Method

  • National Taiwan Normal University Research Ethics Review Committee Service Fee Standards Top

    2015.2.13 Passed during 87th Academic Fund Committee Meeting
    2015.4.1 Amendments passed during 88th Academic Fund Committee Meeting
    2015.5.20 Passed during the 348th Administrative Meeting
    2015.12.25 Amendments passed during the 20th Research Ethics Review Committee Meeting
    2016.3.23 Passed during the 91st Academic Fund Committee Meeting
    2016.5.11 Passed during the 352nd Administrative Meeting
    2021.3.10 Passed during the 118st Academic Fund Committee Meeting
    2021.5.26 Passed during the 372nd Administrative Meeting
    2022.6.13 Passed during the 125st Academic Fund Committee Meeting
    2022.10.5 Passed during the 377nd Administrative Meeting

    1. National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) Research Ethics Review Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") and NTNU Research Ethics Office (hereinafter referred to as the "Office") established this fee standard for research ethics review services in accordance with Article 3, Subparagraph 2 of the NTNU Guidelines for the Research Ethics Governance Framework and Article 6 of the National Taiwan Normal University Guidelines for the Research Ethics Review Committee.
    2. The Committee provides research ethics review services to NTNU faculty members and students, as well as members of external units that commission the Committee to conduct reviews.
    3. The Committee's review service fee standards:
    1. Research projects of companies or sponsors
    Type of review Fee standards (Currency: NTD)
    New application NT$50,000
    Change NT$5,000
    Ongoing review NT$3,000
    Closure NT$3,000
    Administrative changes, adverse reaction report, appeal against review results No payment required
    1. Research projects commissioned and subsidized by the government, society, association, foundation or independently conducted by the researcher.
    Type of review Fee standards (Currency: NTD)
    A.Research projects commissioned and subsidized by the government, society, association, foundation B.Amount of review fee for internal student theses funded by subsidies(The research project is without any subsidy and the graduate student shall pay for the research ethics review fee.)
    Exempt NT$2,500 NT$1,000
    Expedited Review NT$14,500 NT$4,500
    Full Board Review NT$19,500 NT$6,000
    Change NT$1,000 NT$1,000
    Amendment, Continuing Report,Completed, Serious Adverse Events Report
    No payment required No payment required
    1. "Administrative changes" referred to in this standard and the number of changes reviews accepted by the Committee shall be handled in accordance with the NTNU Research Ethics Review Committee Standard Operating Procedures for Project Change Review (REC-SOP10).
    2. Remarks:
    1. The review service fee shall be paid in full when the research project is submitted (Applicants must first pay the review fee amount for subsidized cases; if the application is not approved, additional payment is required.) If the review fee subsidy funds are exhausted, an announcement will be made to stop accepting applications. For internal student theses, the review fee amount specified in Item A of Subparagraph 2 of Clause 3 of this standard must be paid. Documentary proof that the case was accepted will only be issued after payment is completed and verified by the Office.
    2. No payment is required for administrative changes, ongoing review, adverse reaction report, closure review, and appeal against review results for cases reviewed by the Committee. A fee of NT$1,000 may be charged for review of general changes not categorized as administrative changes because they need to be reviewed by committee members again.
    3. After a case is reviewed by the Committee and the result is transferred to higher risk review, the fee will be charged for the type of review, and the Committee may seek additional payment from the project host.
    4. A fee of NT$1,000 may be charged if the case is withdrawn before the Office completes administrative review.
    5. If a case is exempted from review or the chairperson has already appointed committee members, the review fee must be paid in full.
    6. For applications that have not completed review fee payment procedures, the Committee will not accept any cases from the applicant and project host until review fees are paid. The same shall apply when the applicant or project host serves as the project host of another project or sub-project.
    7. Please retain receipts after completing payment for verification in the future.
    ​​​​​​​    VI. Fee payment and review process:
    Submit application
    Fill out review documents and the checklist Pay review fees
    Verification by the Research Ethics Center
    Late document supplementation Verify payment was completed
    Submit to the Review Committee
    Enter the review process
    1. This fee standard was reviewed and passed by the Academic Fund Committee, and has been implemented with the approval of the Administrative Meeting. The same procedure shall apply to all subsequent amendments.
  • National Taiwan Normal University Regulations for the Subsidy Research Ethics Review Fee

    2023.6.7 Passed during the 19nd University Academic and the Administrative Meeting
    1. In order to assist teacher, research fellow and students who implement human research project in accordance with review regulations without subsidy as well as encourage the application of research ethics review for human research project to exercise social responsibility to exercise the social responsibility in term of protecting research participants, National Taiwan Normal University (hereinafter the NTNU) hereby establishes these regulations.
    2. Scope of Application:The research project is without any subsidy and the principal investigator or student shall pay for the research ethics review fee because it cannot be reimbursed in other research project.
    3. Eligibility Criteria:
      1. Research projects of full-time faculty members.
      2. Research projects for doctoral or master’s theses.
    4. Subsidy standards and quota: This subsidy shall be one person one project in general.
      1. Review Category Full Board Review subsidy NTD13,500
      2. Review Category Expedited Review subsidy NTD10,000
      3. Review Category Exempt subsidy NTD1,500
    5. Application Time and Method: Applications must be submitted to the Research Ethics Office by November 30 each year, with the required documents. Late applications will not be accepted.
      1. Application for Subsidy of NTNU Research Ethics Review Fee.
      2. Receipt of Research Ethics Review Fee, the receipt date must be within the same fiscal year.
    6. These Guidelines shall be implemented upon approval by the University Academic and the Administrative Meeting. The same shall apply in the case of amendments hereto.

  • Project Review Fee Standards

    Approved by 88th meeting of Endowment Fund Management Committee on April 1, 2015
    Passed by 348th Administrative Meeting for record on May 20, 2015
    Approved by 116th meeting of Endowment Fund Management Committee on November 4, 2020
    Passed by 370th Administrative Meeting for record on December 2, 2020
    Approved by 118th meeting of Endowment Fund Management Committee on March 10, 2021
    Passed by 372th Administrative Meeting for record on May 26, 2021
    1. In order to manage research ethics review services, the NTNU Research Ethics Review Committee (hereinafter the Committee) and NTNU Center for Research Ethics (hereinafter the Center) hereby establishes the payment standards in accordance with item 6 of “NTNU Directions for the Establishment of Research Ethics Review Committee” and item 2, 3, 4 and 6 of “NTNU Directions for Personnel Expenses Payment”.
    1. Project review fee standards of the Committee:
    Review Category Review Fee Standards (Currency: NTD)
    New project External member $1,500 per project
    Internal member $1,500 per project
    Subsequent review Change $500 per project
    Continuous project $500 per project
    Serious adverse event, unexpected event or research bias $500 per project
    Closure review $500 per project
    Attendance fee for research ethics review meeting External member $2,000 each time
    1. The fee above as required shall be paid by self-raised fund of the Committee
    2. These standards will be implemented upon the approval of Endowment Fund Committee and Administrative Meeting, which shall be applied to the amendment as well.