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Role & Responsibilities

The Research Ethies Committee (REC) is responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of human subjects of research conducted by National Taiwan Normal University. The REC is a university committee that performs ethical review of proposed research involving human subjects and monitors continuing research. The REC is also responsible for providing training on the protection of human subjects in research.
REC policies apply to all faculty, all staff, all administrators, and all students who are conducting or supervising research involving human participants. Heads of units such as department or program chairs, and deans are responsible to bring this policy to the attention of their faculty, staff and students (REC Policies and Procedures). The implementation of the policies for the protection of human participants in research is shared by the Colleges and the Office of the Provost (REC Policies and Procedures).
Members of the REC are drawn from experts, scholars, and social justice individuals on and off campus. The committee is based on the results of the discussions. External review, external consultation and/or special expertise may be added for specific types of applications. For example, provisions for vulnerable groups such as people with disabilities and pregnant women and studies involving more than minimum risk.